  Public Ticket #2881046
I have a Problem with the Slider


  • gentritg started the conversation

    I have a Problem with the Slider it just shows a purple background and a text but no picture, no changing slides no nothing!!!

    I need to fix this asap.

  • gentritg replied


  •  58
    Olga replied


    The conflicts in the slider work are caused by some 3rd party plugins. 

    Please, check, for example, the plugin All in One SEO.

    This is connected with the mode of work of the plugin. 


  • gentritg replied


    This worked!

    But my Question is: Why do you deliver a plugin out of the box if this has conflicts with your theme or vice versa, why don't you fix your theme to not have a problem with the plugin ?

    Anyways thanks :)

  •  58
    Olga replied


    There is the problem with the main slider and the plugin. Also, the conflict is in other galleries blocks.

    This is connected with the mode of work of the plugin. 

    The plugin moves to the top scripts, which are added to the slider as localize script. The default WP function is used for this purpose: wp_localize_script();

    But main libraries, in this case the slick slider library, is placed lower in the code. So, the main slider can't be generated.

     I can advise you to find in the plugin the option to not move the script's position. Or you can ask such question from the plugin support team