  Public Ticket #2415892
List Style Point Symbols


  •  1
    Melibu407 started the conversation

    Hello, do you have an idea why this list icons appears in Safari Browser? In Chrome Browser for example they aren't displayed- and that's correct. In Gravity Forms that makes no sense to show points.

    How can I hide this especially for this Form?


    Thank you

  •  58
    Olga replied


    I see that you ask about some 3rd party  plugin which isn't connected with your theme.

    But ok, we'll give your an advice.  These markers appear because you have a list - .https://prnt.sc/sngqwq

    all lists in our theme has such markers

    To not show them you should write the css like this :

    .gf_stylespro .gfield::after{content:none}


  •  1
    Melibu407 replied

    Really nice works 👍 

    Im very happy when you tell me the css for the second stage/ hierarchy. it doesn't effected that. thank you 

  •  58
    Olga replied


    this form has other fields. And they are also created via lists. 

    You should analyze the code and create the analogical css for this form fields

    To find html/css work with a browser console -  ( f12 ) in your theme.

